Your event is registered !

Thank you for your contribution !

The Mots dits Mots lu team will now study your event in order to validate it. You will receive an email when it is online so that you can communicate on it.

Do not hesitate to see our other initiatives and to make them known around you

Why this particular choice of reading(s)?

For whom? Where? Why there?

Will there be a little convivial time to end this moment of sharing?

And you can also specify if you are several readers reading several texts…

Tell us more about your reading event, your Mots dits Mots lus!

Maximum size of 2Mb, you must own the rights or the image must be copyright free.

These fields are not mandatory but are necessary if you wish to receive a communication kit by mail to communicate about your event. The Mots dits Mots lus team can also contact you by phone to receive more information about your event. This information will not be communicated to third parties under any circumstances.

Any reading event that makes defamatory or insulting statements based on provocation, discrimination, hatred or violence, defamation and insult on the basis of an individual’s racial, ethnic, national or religious origin or affiliation, gender or sexual orientation, or of the disability of an individual, will not be eligible to participate in Mots dits Mots lus. The same goes for any text that glorifies war crimes, crimes against humanity or crimes of collaboration with the enemy, that glorifies terrorism or incites to terrorist acts, proselytizing and paedophilia. By accepting this ethical charter, you respect the laws in force.